Personal Details
Name: | Mario Köppen |
Birthday: | June 5, 1964 |
Birthplace: | Berlin, Germany |
Nationality: | German |
Legal Status: | Married |
- 1971-79 General Polytechnical School
- 1979-83 "Heinrich Hertz" Gymnasium for Mathematics
- 1983-85 Military Duty
- 1985-90 Humboldt University Berlin, Physics
- 1990 Diploma in Physics, Humboldt University Berlin
- 2005 Doctor in Engineering, Technical University Berlin
- 1990-91 Researcher, ZKI, Academy of Sciences, GDR
- 1992-2006 Researcher, Fraunhofer IPK, Berlin, FRG
- 2006-08 JSPS Fellow, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
- 2008-13, Professor, NDRC, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
- 2013-, Professor, Graduate School of Creative Informatics, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Project Leader and Collaborator in Industrial Projects on:
- Sewage Pipe Inspection System
- Industrial Surface Inspection
- Automated Document Processing
- Texture Image Retrieval
- Biometric Signature Verification
- Digital Watermarking in Visa Stickers
- Quality Assesment and ICAO compliance of Passport Photographs
Research fields:
- Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
- Neural Networks
- Evolutionary Computation
- Fuzzy Fusion
- Mathematical Morphology
- Algorithm Design and Complexity
- Multi-Objective and Relational Optimization
- Digital Content Management
Collaboration in Funded Projects
- "VisionIC? - Intelligente Vision Plattform für den Massenmarkt" BMBF, 2003-2005
- "Processing of Color and Textural Image Information," WTZ Chile CHL99?/026, 1999-2000
- "EPISTO: Einsatz der evolutionären Programmierung in der Sichtprüfung technischer Objekte," DFG, Ni 473/1-2, 1995-2000
- "Automatisierte visuelle Inspection von Werkstückinnenräumen mittels eines Neuro-Fuzzy-Systems," IKT, VB 1-7.66-7.10, 1997-1998
Major Academic Activities
- General Chair "6th Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications" (WSC6?), September 2001, as well as "Hybrid Intelligent Systems" conferences 2001-2005
- Editorial Boards: Elsevier "Applied Soft Computing", IOS "Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems", RPI "International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research", International Science Press "Journal of Hybrid Computing Research"
- Plenary Speaker PRIA-5-2000, Samara, Russland
- Chairman of the "Young Researcher Committee" of the "World Federation on Soft Computing"
- Member Program Committee of intl. conferences (GECCO, EvoIASP?, EvoCOP?, EMO, ISDA, IBERAMIA, WSC, ICPR)
- Plenary Speaker IWSCI99?, Muroran, Japan
- Reviewer for internat. journals (Int. J. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, IEEE Trans. EC, IEEE Trans. SMC, Int. J. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering)
- World Federation on Soft Computing
- American Association for the Advances of Science
- American Mathematical Society
- Planetary Society
- Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker
Programming Experience
- Administration of Operating Systems Windows, MacOSX?, Linux
- Object-oriented and Procedural Programming (Smalltalk, C, Objective-C, Ruby, Python)
- Web Development (HTML, PHP, XML, XSLT, SQL, Rails)
see Publications By Year or Publications By Type
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